void | Recalculate () |
void | UpdateMaterial () |
Transform | ProjectionSrc = null |
| The object that is looking towards our projection surface (the projector object)
Vector3 | ProjectionSrcOffset = Vector3.zero |
| A translational offset applied to the ProjectionSrc before "look at" is triggered
Vector3 | ProjectionScale = Vector3.one |
bool | ProjectionScaleUseSrc = false |
| If true uses the source transform's localScale instead of ProjectionScale
bool | LookTowardsDst = true |
| Set to false if you manually calculate (or do not wish to rotate) the directional vector of the projector
Transform | ProjectionDst = null |
| Which object is "receiving" the projection onto it
Vector3 | ProjectionDstOffset = Vector3.zero |
Material | ProjectionDstMaterial = null |
| Which material are we syncing values into
string | MaterialPropertyNameMatrix = "_ProjMatrix" |
string | MaterialPropertyNameDirection = "_ProjDirection" |
string | MaterialPropertyNameScale = "_ProjScale" |
bool | RecalcEveryFrame = true |
| How frequently should we recalculate our value
Vector4 | ProjectionDirection = Vector3.forward |
Matrix4x4 | ProjectionMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity |
void | Start () |
void | Update () |
void | OnDrawGizmosSelected () |
Matrix4x4 | orthoMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- Assets/Astra/Asset/Decal/DecalProjection.cs