Astra Unity 2.6.6
Astra Unity Plugin
Namespaces | |
namespace | Asset |
namespace | Examples |
namespace | Serialization |
Classes | |
class | ApiJob |
Base class for Jobs intended to be exposed as part of the Astra API. Provides functionality for optionally handling jobs as coroutines. More... | |
class | ApiJobNoResult |
An API exposed job with no defined success or failure results. If you have well defined success and failure states use Astra.ApiJobWithResult<T1, T2> instead. More... | |
class | ApiJobWithResult |
An API exposed job that has results for both a success and failure state. You must implement both GetResult and GetError methods in your derived class when using this. If you are not using results, use Astra.ApiJobNoResult instead. More... | |
class | AstraCache |
Functionality for dealing with the content cache Astra maintains More... | |
class | AstraGuid |
AstraGuid is a class that allows for the creation of Guid. Constructors provides options to create deterministic Guid from a list of strings or guids. The order of string or guid does not matter the resulting Guid will be the same value. More... | |
class | AstraManager |
AstraManager is a scene object which manages the Astra system. It must be initialized before other Astra SDK operations can be used. It is started using AstraManager.StartupAstra. Code can then wait for the initialization to be complete by waiting on AstraManager.WaitForInit. Alternatively you can poll on AstraManager.IsReady until it returns true. More... | |
class | AstraVersion |
Provides the current Astra SDK version, not entirely compatible with Semantic versioning More... | |
class | Auth |
Contains functionality to login customers with the Astra service, and other related operations More... | |
class | Catalog |
Catalog is used to search for assets such as clothing, hair, morphables, figures, avatars, and more. Querying can be filtered to find compatible items or unfiltered requiring you to ensure compatibility. Assets located here will come from both locally installed MR files and against your applications asset categories database from the web portal. If you cannot find an asset you were expecting verify that it is attached to your application through an asset category. If you know the Guid directly you can instead use the Asset.Loader class which will work as long as the asset is available to you regardless if it's associated to an asset category or not. More... | |
class | CatalogEntry |
Information about an Asset as found from a Catalog search More... | |
class | Configuration |
Allows you to initialize and configure the Astra library using JSON, Astra.ProjectConfiguration, or direct calls More... | |
interface | IJob |
Base interface for a Job More... | |
class | Job |
A job is a unit of work that you need done you can provide data to it, talk to it, get progress get ids, depend on other jobs, have sub jobs, execute on main thread, etc More... | |
class | JobQueue |
This queue is responsible for popping and executing jobs More... | |
class | Loader |
Provides access to loading different assets More... | |
class | Logger |
Handles Astra logging messages in C# allowing filtering and redirection More... | |
class | LogoutJob |
Job used when we are logging out the active user More... | |
class | MainQueue |
A wrapper around the primary Astra system primary JobQueue More... | |
class | ProjectConfiguration |
Used to set configuration values for the current project More... | |
class | RestoreSessionJob |
Job used when restoring a user session More... | |
class | RestoreSessionResult |
Information about the session restored More... | |
class | RigManager |
Provides utilities to interface with rigs More... | |
class | SetAppJob |
Job used when we are setting App info More... | |
class | Shop |
Contains commerce related functionality for the Astra SDK More... | |
class | Tracking |
Contains functionality to track analytics More... | |
class | WaitForJob |
Use this class when you want to yield until the job is done More... | |
class | WhoAmIJob |
Job used when querying info about the active user More... | |
class | WhoAmIResult |
Information about the current user More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | OperationStatus { Unknown = 0 , NotStarted , Started , Pending , InProgress , Completed , Error , Cancelled } |
enum | M3DResourceVersion { Version1 = 1 , Version2 = 2 , Version3 = 3 , Version4 = 4 , Version5 , Version6 , Version7 } |
enum | OperationPriority { Low = 0 , High } |
enum | OperationType { Unknown = 0 , PrimitiveRequest , MetadataRequest , AllMetadataRequest , PrimitiveUpsertRequest , PackageInstallRequest , DeletePrimitiveRequest , GenerateMorphableRequest , GenerateOcclusionRequest , NetLoginRequest , NetRegisterRequest , NetRegisterRemoteRequest , NetLoginRegisterRemoteRequest , NetForgotPasswordRequest , NetPingRequest , NetClosetRequest , NetClosetUpdatedRequest , NetFetchRequest , NetOutfitCreateRequest , NetOutfitUpdateRequest , NetOutfitDeleteRequest , NetOutfitAppListRequest , NetOutfitPersonalRequest , AssetInfoRequest , AssetSyncRequest , NetAppDataLoadRequest , NetAppDataSaveRequest , AssetUninstall , AvatarFetchRequest , AvatarReceipeFetchRequest , MRImportRequest , NetLoginRemoteRequest , AvatarGetSelected , AvatarSetSelected , ProjectionPairedMorphable , NetGetAppGUIDs , DecimationGenerateMesh , AvatarSchematicFetchRequest , ProjectionFindPairedMorphables , AssetsDownload , NetRequest , AssetSearchRequest , ImageProcessRequest } |
enum | MeshBoundsUpdatedFrequency { Never = 0 , Init = 1 , Morph = 2 } |
enum | SchematicSubType { Unknown = 0 , BodyPartTeeth = 1 , BodyPartTongue = 2 , BodyPartMouthCavity = 3 , BodyPartMouth = 4 , BodyPartMouthCombined = 5 , BodyPartEye = 6 , BodyPartEyelash = 7 , BodyPartEar = 8 , BodyPartNose = 9 , BodyPartLips = 10 , BodyPartEyebrow = 11 , BodyPartFingerNails = 12 , BodyPartToeNails = 13 } |
enum | PokethroughPreventionMode { AlphaTest = 0 , Cull = 1 } |
enum | LogLevel { None = 0 , Fatal = 100 , Error = 200 , Warn = 300 , Info = 400 , Debug = 500 , Trace = 600 } |
This is a denormalized copy of both Astra's C# and C++ log levels they are one-to-one More... | |
enum | MainThreadUse { Low , Medium , High } |
Gives slight hints to Astra about how much main thread usage is suitable, defaults to Low. This will reduce or increase the number of milliseconds used on main thread before waiting for the next frame. More... | |
enum | NetworkLevel { Off = 0 , Minimal = 1 , Default = 3 } |
Astra network accesss level More... | |
enum Astra.LogLevel |
This is a denormalized copy of both Astra's C# and C++ log levels they are one-to-one
Enumerator | |
None | No logging enabled |
Fatal | Only fatal errors where Astra does not know how to respond |
Error | Error and higher level logs |
Warn | Warnings and higher level logs |
Info | Info and higher level logs |
Debug | Debugging information and higher level logs |
Trace | Trace level information and higher level logs (note this generates a lot of information especially in the native layer) |
enum Astra.MainThreadUse |
Gives slight hints to Astra about how much main thread usage is suitable, defaults to Low. This will reduce or increase the number of milliseconds used on main thread before waiting for the next frame.
enum Astra.NetworkLevel |
Astra network accesss level