▼NAstra | |
►NApp | |
CABaseView | Base class for all views |
►CAppController | Controls the app view state and lists of views. Also manages app intitialization. |
CAppStateRecord | |
CAppVersion | Provides the app's version info |
CAvatarController | Controls the avatar object. Allows for loading avatars and the manipulation of the current avatar. |
CCatalogController | Handles requesting and preparing catalog content to be displayed in the editor |
►CCatalogGridView | Manages populating and handling interaction with a gridview of catalog items |
CCatalogItemSelectedEvent | |
►CCategoryList | Maintains a list of category list selectors |
CCategorySelectedEvent | |
►CCategorySelector | Control which selects a specific content category and displays items in a gridview |
CCategorySelectorClickedEvent | |
CContentData | Defines data for content, such as categories available to select content from |
CEditView | View for avatar editing UX |
CErrorView | View for loading the app |
►CGridViewItem | Represents a single catalog item in a grid view |
CCatalogItemSelectedEvent | |
CLoadingView | View for loading the app |
CMainMenuView | View for handling menu options |
CSettingsMenuView | View for the Setting Menu |
CSplashView | View for the initial splash screen |
►NAsset | |
CAlphaMaskManager | Functionality for generating the alpha mask for this AvatarItem |
CAnimationManager | Functionality for managing an AvatarItem's animation and pose |
CAssetInfo | Information about an Asset, including commerce information |
CAssetValidator | AssetValidator validates that the asset or assets is owned by the customer. If asset is not owned the validator will return an list of unowned assets. |
CAstraTexture | |
CAttachJob | |
CAvatarItem | AvatarItem is a collection of compound items that represents a character or actor in the application space. It holds reference to a single instance to a figure (adding a new figure will evict) the current figure. Avatars are loading using the Astra.Core.Avatar class. As changes are made to the Avatar, the changes can be saved to the Astra service via the SaveAvatar method. |
►CAvatarLoadJob | Job used when we are loading a avatar |
CAvatarLoadOptions | Details of what to pass in to load a avatar |
CAvatarManagerBase | Base class for classes which manage scoped aspects of an AvatarItem |
►CAvatars | |
CAvatarRecipeJob | |
CAvatarSelectionJob | |
CBodyManager | Functionality for managing an AvatarItem's height, figure, and rig |
CBoneItem | BoneItems are the component items of a RigItem. They primarily exist to ease operations related to skin weighting, skeleton traversal, animation retargeting and skeletal visualization. |
CClothItem | Represents a clothing item which can be attached to an AvatarItem |
►CClothLoadJob | Handles loading a ClothItem object such as a piece of clothing |
CClothLoadOptions | Options for loading the ClothItem |
CClothLoadResult | Result from loading the ClothItem |
CCollectionItem | A CollectionItem is used to load many Astra Items such as cloth, decals, morphables, etc as a group |
►CCollectionLoadJob | Loader for a collection item, which contains a number of assets such as hair items, cloth items, or figures. |
CCollectionLoadOptions | Options for loading a collection |
CCollectionLoadResult | Results from loading a collection |
CCompoundItem | CompoundItem is the base class for all Items that are aggregates of element items (MeshItems, RigItems, MaterialItems). This class tracks and mainipulates it's component element items. It's responsible for LOD Groups, driving morphs, mapping bones to meshes. CompoundItems are the engine specific expression of information contained within PrimitiveSchematics. |
CCompoundManager | Manages all CompoundItems attached to the AvatarItem this manager is associated with |
CDecalItem | DecalItems are attached to MeshItems and apply a blended material on top of an existing material. They can either completely replace the textures or be smoothly blended into the textures based on the PrimitiveDecal.MaterialTarget[x].MaterialBlendingFunction |
►CDecalLoadJob | This class handles loading decals You can either build just the main stuff w/o creating a DecalItem directly Or you can specify a meshItem and/or gameObject and have the DecalItem auto generated for you. |
CDecalLoadOptions | Options when loading a decal |
CDecalLoadResult | Result from loading a decal |
CDecalManager | Manages all DecalItems attached to the AvatarItem this manager is associated with |
CDecalProjection | |
CDeleteAvatarJob | Job used when we are deleting a avatar |
CEyeItem | Represents the eyes of the AvatarItem, which can have color applied |
►CEyeLoadJob | Loader for an eye item. Generally, this is handled by the FigureItem that this EyeItem will be attached to, so you likely will not need to use this class. |
CEyeLoadOptions | Options when loading an eye |
CEyeLoadResult | |
CEyeModifierRecord | Allows advanced modification of EyeItems. Properties in this class are standardized values such as IrisColor that can be applied to different types of eye shaders. Simple materials/shaders may only use or care about properties such as IrisColor and not have other values. Not all shaders will implement these. |
CFigureItem | Represents the materials for the avatar's skin. Depending on how it is set up, colors for these materials can be adjusted. |
►CFigureLoadJob | Loader for a FigureItem, which contains the materials for a character's skin |
CFigureLoadOptions | Options for loading a figure |
CFigureLoadResult | Results from loading a figure |
CHairItem | Represents hair that can be added to the AvatarItem, head hair as well as facial hair. |
►CHairLoadJob | Handles loading a HairItem object such as head or facial hair |
CHairLoadOptions | Options for loading hair |
CHairLoadResult | Results from loading a HairItem |
CIAstraBaseInterface | The base interface for all Item classes that have protocol buffer representations. AstraGuid is an item's system wide unique ID AstraName is an item's system wide name AstraInstanceId is an items's application instance unique id |
CIAstraItemCompatabilityInterface | |
CIColorInterface | |
►CImages | |
CProcessJob | |
CProcessResult | |
CISceneSerializable | Used on classes that need to be aware of when scenes are saved or loaded This is useful in the Unity Editor environment so Astra textures are not written to disk in the scene memory |
CItemBase | ItemBase is the base class for all MonoBehavior based Item objects. |
CItemModifierRecord | A base class that modifiers extend off of (eyes, decals, materials, etc), do not use directly |
CMaterialItem | Wraps a Unity Material that is attached to a Compound Item This class maintains references to materials and textures for you |
►CMaterialLoadJob | Allows creation of materials from our PrimitiveMaterials |
CMaterialLoadOptions | Options when loading a material |
CMaterialLoadResult | Results from loading a material |
CMaterialManager | Manages all MaterialItems and MaterialVariationItems attached to the AvatarItem this manager is associated with |
CMaterialProperties | |
CMaterialTarget | Data around how Materials are applied to a mesh |
CMaterialTextureProperties | |
CMaterialVariationItem | MaterialVariationItems are used to supplement or replace a material on an asset They can be blended like a decal using the BlendingFunction They can be specific to a mesh/submesh or generic and applied anywhere(via PrimitiveMaterialTarget.[sub]mesh_id) They also support the material sub layers if using the Astra/Easy Standard with ASTRA_SUB_MATERIALS_ON keyword enabled |
►CMaterialVariationLoadJob | Creates a new MaterialVariation which is used for replacing or blending into an existing material on an asset this asset can be hair, cloth, skin, etc |
CMaterialVariationLoadOptions | Options when loading a material variation |
CMaterialVariationLoadResult | Results from loading a material variation |
►CMeshItem | MeshItem is an element item that wraps SkinnedMeshRenderers, MeshFilters and MeshRenderers. It eases the tracking of material assignments to submeshes with an additional string key. It provides utilities that exposes SMR vert / bone weighting information. It also provides a method to transfer vert weights from one RigItem to another. MeshItems serialize into a protocol buffer and are a primary building block for all ComoundItems. |
CMaterialFeatures | |
CSerializableDictionarySMaterialFeatures | |
CTupletsSMaterialFeatures | |
►CMeshLoadJob | Used to load a mesh efficiently by using side-threads for most of the work and then doing final assembly on main thread |
CMeshLoadOptions | Options for loading a mesh |
►CMeshLoadResult | Results from loading a mesh |
CSlotMapper | |
CMeshTarget | Data around how a mesh is modified, such as by blendshapes |
►CMorphableItem | Morphables are items which contain data to allow a scaled change to a rig or mesh that they are attached to (including the character skin mesh). They range from basic things like adjusting an ear shape to something that alters the entire appearance of the AvatarItem, such as a zombie transformation. This class provides the ability to adjust the morphable. Typically, you adjust a MorphableItem using the AvatarItem.MorphableManager.DriveMorph function, which cascades the changes appropriately to other items attached to the AvatarItem. |
CInjectJob | Creates sub components to various other game objects for controlling blendshapes, bones, and decals |
CMuscleRange | Values to adjust the mechanim default muscle parameters |
CMorphableItemChildData | Keeps track of child (ie: projected) data for use in driving things like blendshapes targetted against a specific Mesh |
CMorphableItemData | A fully serializable data set that contains the "meat" of the morphable, from verts,normals,materials,etc |
►CMorphableLoadJob | Used to load a MorphableItem, which can be tweaked to change an AvatarItem's shape |
CMorphableLoadOptions | Options for loading a MorphableItem |
CMorphableLoadResult | Results from loading a MorphableItem |
CMorphableManager | Manages all MorphItems attached to the AvatarItem this manager is associated with |
CPaletteChoice | |
CPartItem | Represents parts like teeth, tongue, mouth per the SchematicSubType. |
►CPartLoadJob | Handles loading a PartItem |
CPartLoadOptions | Options for loading a part |
CPartLoadResult | |
CPoseBoneTarget | Data for how a bone is modified by a pose |
CPoseItem | Represents a individual rig pose for the AvatarItem this is part of |
►CPoseLoadJob | Used to load PoseItems, adjusting the position of an AvatarItem's body |
CPoseLoadOptions | Options when loading a pose |
CPoseLoadResult | Results from loading a pose |
CPoseTarget | Data for how the figure's bones are modified by a pose |
CProjectionJob | |
CRecordJob | |
►CRigItem | RigItem is an element item that wraps the bone GameObjects of a SkinnedMeshRenderer it's primary purpose is to facilitate skinning operations, animation opertations and tracking of individual bones. In Unity the RigItem allows the astra core system to interact with Unity's Humanoid Avatar definition more precisely than Mecanim's automated skeleton retargeting system. This aspect of RigItem will allow for the use of arbitrary bone chains useful in dynamics. RigItems serialize into a protocol buffer and are a primary building block for all skinned meshes and compound items. |
CBoneShiftWeight | |
CBoneTarget | |
►CRigLoadJob | Handles creating a RigItem as a job |
CRigLoadOptions | Options for loading a rig |
CRigLoadResult | Results from loading a rig |
CRigTarget | Used by the morphable system, this tracks how a bone is adjusted when a morph is driven |
►CRigUtils | |
CCompareRigsResult | A result structure that contains meta data about rig comparisons |
►CSchematicLoadJob | Handles basic tasks for schematic loading This is used by FigureLoader, ClothLoader, and HairLoader |
CSchematicLoadOptions | Options when loading a schematic |
CSchematicLoadResult | Results from loading a schematic |
CSerializableDictionarySMaterialTextureProperties | |
►CSubmeshTexMap | |
CSubmeshTexMapEnumerator | |
CSubmeshTexTuplet | |
CSyncAssetsJob | Job for syncing assets from the back end |
CTextureItem | Wraps a Unity Texture that is attached to an item |
CTextureJob | A simplified job when processing a single texture |
CTextureJobResult | |
CTextureManager | This is a texture class that handles loading and manipulating textures It is higher level then the TextureUtilities and is async |
CTextureRequest | These are the options to feed into the texture jobs In most cases the defaults are fine and you should leave them as-is |
►CTextureUtilities | Utilities for working with Textures |
CTextureJob | |
CTupletsSMaterialTextureProperties | |
CValidatorJob | Job to validate ownership of asset |
►NCore | |
►CLLAPI | The low level api, aka the c++ lib interface, we're going to build one in c# that is a one-to-one though |
CTaskType | |
NDocumentation | |
►NExamples | |
►NHelpers | |
CProgressBar | |
CAnimatingAnAvatar | A simple animation example illustrating how to setup the mecanim system and play an animation |
CAstraExample | |
CAstraExamples | |
CAvatarAgent | Script that when attached to an avatar, allows it to operate as an independent AI agent that will randomly wander around the scene. |
CAvatarSpawner | An example of how to procedurally spawn an avatar into the scene from the existing avatar catalog |
CBlenderCameraController | |
CCameraControllerBase | Base component that other camera types like Maya or Unity extend from. Provides several common camera focus and movement functions as an example for working with a character editor. |
CCameraControllerDemo | This example uses the Astra system to set up a simple Avatar editor |
CDriveMorphable | |
►CEventSecondsPublisher | A component that will publish the seconds since application start roughly every second |
COnSecondsEvent | Holds the current time since the application began, created roughly every second |
CEventSecondsSubscriber | Receives an event when loaded with the current number of seconds since the application began. Try toggling the component on and off or deleting it in the scene and observe the console output. |
CExampleCameraControllers | |
CGetAvatarRecipeJSON | |
CGettingStarted | |
CLoadAnyUserAvatarByGuid | |
CLoadAssetOntoAvatar | |
CLoadAvatarByGuid | |
CLoadAvatarByRecipeJSON | |
CLoadClothing | |
CLoadClothingOntoAvatar | |
CLoadDecalOntoAvatar | |
CLoadHair | |
CLoadHairOntoAvatar | |
CLogin | An example that shows how to login to Astra using a Tafi account via email/pass |
CLoginRegisterRemote | An example that shows how to login and register using remote idntifiers (non-Tafi) This is useful for registering users using your own authentication paramters instead of having users register a Tafi acconut. This means you must have a way to uniquely identify your own users and you need to keep track of that (both an id/email/etc and a password) |
CLoginRegisterRemoteLegacy | Handles the login=>register=>login process manually, avoid using this if you're using the latest Astra SDK as there is a helper call Astra.Auth.LoginRegisterRemote that performs this more effciently for you See Also LoginRegisterRemote example in this folder |
CManyAvatarsController | This example demonstrates some of the techniques to be able to load many avatars at the same time more efficiently |
CMaxCameraController | |
CMayaCameraController | |
CMidLevel | |
CPrecache | |
CQueryingCatalog | Assumes you are already initialized in Astra |
CRegister | Registers an account on Tafi's registration system, if you have your own system you likely want to use RegisterRemote or LoginRegisterRemote instead |
CRemoveAssetFromAvatar | |
CRestoreSession | An example that shows how to restore an Astra session using Auth.GetCookie and Auth.RestoreSession |
CSampleCameraController | |
CSampleEditor | This example uses the Astra system to set up a simple Avatar editor |
CSaveAvatar | |
CSearchForAssets | |
CSearchForAvatars | |
CSearchForClothing | |
CSearchForDecals | |
CSearchForHair | |
CSearchForMorphables | |
CSetAndGetAppId | |
CSubstanceCameraController | |
CTintAsset | |
CUnityCameraController | |
CWatchForAvatarLoad | Simple example to watch for avatar load events Try starting this and then loading an avatar such as from the Astra/Asset/Search tool |
CZbrushCameraController | |
►NFileFormats | |
CMRImporter | Container class that handles importing MR files |
CMRImportJob | A simple job that contains the results of an MR import job |
►CObjFile | |
CObjData | |
►NNet | |
NAnalytics | |
►CAddBillingJob | Job used when we are adding billing information |
CAddBilling | Contains the billing information for a customer |
CAddBillingResult | Contains results from the AddBilling request |
►CAddToCartJob | Job used when we are adding a product to a cart |
CAddCartParameter | Details of what to add to the cart |
CCartCurrency | Details about credits that the user owns |
CCartParameter | Details identifying the cart to operate on |
CCartProduct | Details about a product item that is in the cart |
CCartResult | Contains results from any Cart related request |
►CCheckOutInitJob | Job used when we are initiating a Check Out procedure to ensure that user has sufficient funds. Also computes tax amount. |
►CCheckOutData | Information about the cart |
CCheckOutType | Information about the payment for the transaction |
CCheckOutInitParameter | Details for initializing a check out procedure |
CCheckOutInitResult | Results from this transaction |
►CCheckOutJob | Job used when we are completing the check out procedure |
CCheckOutParameter | Details needed for the final check out process |
CCheckOutResult | Contains results from this request |
►CCheckOutSuccessJob | Job used when we have confirmed payment for a transaction |
CCheckOutSuccessResult | Contains results from this request |
CClearCartJob | Job used when we are clearing a cart |
CForgotPasswordJob | Job which handles the call to ask for a password reset. Returns a boolean indicating a success, or an AuthError if an error occured while attempting to complete this job. |
►CGetAppShopInfoJob | Job used when we are getting the App commerce info |
CCartConfig | Data containing information about the cart configuration |
CGetAppInfoResult | Data containing the result of a GetAppShopInfo request |
►CGetAssetCategoryJob | Job which retrieves information about a asset category |
CAssetCategory | Contains detailed information about a asset category |
CGetAssetsByProductsJob | Job used when we are retrieving the asset information for given products |
►CGetBillingListJob | Job used when we are getting the user's billing options |
CGetBillingListResult | Contains results from this request |
CGetCartJob | Job used when we are retrieving data about an in progress cart |
►CGetCategoryDetailJob | Job which retrieves information about a category |
CGetCategoryDetailResult | Contains detailed information about a category |
►CGetCategoryFullJob | Job used when we are getting the heirarchal information about a category |
CGetCategoryFullResult | Class containing heirarchal information about a category |
►CGetClosetJob | |
CGetClosetResult | |
►CGetCurrencyBalanceJob | Job used when we are retrieving the customer's account balance for a given currency |
CGetCurrencyBalanceResult | Contains results from this request |
CGetProductDetailJob | Job used when we are retrieving details about a product |
CGetProductDetailResult | Contains details about a given product |
CGetProductsByAssetsJob | Job used when we are retrieving products for a given set of assets |
CGetProductsByCategoryIdJob | Job used when we are retrieving products for a given category |
►CGetProductSlabJob | Job used when we are getting the slab for a product (slabs contain metadata about the product) |
CGetProductSlabResult | Contains metadata about a product |
CProductPrice | Pricing information for the product |
►CGetPurchasedProductsJob | Job used when we are retrieving the customer's purchased products |
►CGetPurchasedProductsResult | Contains results from this request |
CGetPurchasedProductsAsset | Information about an individual purchased product |
CGetSlabsByCategoryIdJob | Job used when we are retrieving slabs (metadata about products) from a given category |
CGetSlabsByProductIdsJob | Job used when we are retrieving slabs (asset metadata) for given products |
CLoginJob | Job which is used to log into the Astra service. Returns a string indicating the user handle if successful, and an AuthError if there was a failure. |
CLoginRegisterRemoteJob | Job used to register a user with a remote authentication model. Returns a boolean representing whether registration was successful, or an AuthError with an error if it occurs. |
CPingJob | Ping the back end to determine status |
CProductAssetTypeDetails | Contains details about the asset this product references |
CProductVirtualCurrencyTypeDetails | Contains details about the virtual currencies that can be used to purchase this product |
CRegisterJob | Job used to register a user with a remote authentication model. Returns a boolean representing whether registration was successful, or an AuthError with an error if it occurs. |
CRegisterRemoteJob | Job used to register a user with a remote authentication model. Returns a boolean representing whether registration was successful, or an AuthError with an error if it occurs. |
CRemoteLoginJob | Job which is used to log into the Astra service. Returns a string indicating the user handle if successful, and an AuthError if there was a failure. |
CRemoveBillingJob | Job used when we are removing the user's billing options |
►CRemoveFromCartJob | Job used when we are removing a product from a cart |
CRemoveCartParameter | Details about what to remove from the cart |
CSetDefaultBillingJob | Job used when we are setting the user's default billing option |
CSetupCartJob | Job used when we are setting a Cart up |
►CUpdateCartJob | Job used when we are updating product purchase counts within a cart |
CUpdateCartParameter | Details about what value to update in the cart |
►NSerialization | |
CISerializableDictionary | Interface for a serializable set of data using a dictionary format |
CItemDict | Dictionary used to manage Astra Items by key/value. |
CITuplet2 | Interface for two item tuplet |
CITuplet3 | Interface for three item tuplet |
CITuplets2 | Interface for 2 element generic tuplets |
CITuplets2T | Interface for 2 element typed tuplets |
CITuplets3 | Interface for 3 element generic tuplets |
CITuplets3T | Interface for 3 element typed tuplets |
►CSerializableDictionary | Serializable dictionary that uses tuplets as key/value pairs |
CSerializableDictionaryEnumerator | Enumerator for this dictionary |
CSerializableDictionaryIColor | Two element serializable dictionary with int as key and Unity Color as value |
CSerializableDictionaryII | Two element serializable dictionary with int as key and int as value |
CSerializableDictionaryIS | Two element serializable dictionary with int as key and string as value |
CSerializableDictionarySAstraTransform | |
CSerializableDictionarySB | Two element serializable dictionary with string as key and bool as value |
CSerializableDictionarySC | |
CSerializableDictionarySDecal | |
CSerializableDictionarySDecalItem | |
CSerializableDictionarySF | |
CSerializableDictionarySI | Two element serializable dictionary with string as key and int as value |
CSerializableDictionarySM4x4 | |
CSerializableDictionarySMat | Two element serializable dictionary with string as key and Unity Material as value |
CSerializableDictionarySMeshItem | |
CSerializableDictionarySMorphableItem | |
CSerializableDictionarySMorphableItemChildData | |
CSerializableDictionarySRigItem | |
CSerializableDictionarySS | Two element serializable dictionary with string and string as types |
CSerializableDictionarySTex | Two element serializable dictionary with string as key and Unity Texture2D as value |
CSerializableDictionarySTransform | Two element serializable dictionary with string as key and Unity Transform as value |
CSerializableDictionarySV2 | |
CSerializableDictionarySV3 | Two element serializable dictionary with string as key and Unity Vector3 as value |
CSerializableDictionarySV4 | |
CSerializableDictionaryTListISub | Two element serializable dictionary with Type as key and List</ISubscription> as value |
CTuplet | Implementation of a 3 type tuplet serializable by Unity |
CTupletList | A helper class to make working with tuplets easier |
►CTuplets | Contains a list of 2 type tuplets |
CTupletsEnumerator | |
CTupletsIColor | |
CTupletsII | |
CTupletsIII | |
CTupletsIS | |
CTupletsISS | |
CTupletsMeshItemMeshI | |
CTupletsMeshItemRendererI | |
CTupletSS | 2 element tuplet with string and string as types |
CTupletsSAstraTransform | |
CTupletSSB | 3 element tuplet with string, string, and bool as types |
CTupletsSB | |
CTupletsSC | |
CTupletsSDecal | |
CTupletsSDecalItem | |
CTupletsSF | |
CTupletSSI | 3 element tuplet with string, string, and int for types |
CTupletsSI | |
CTupletsSM4x4 | |
CTupletsSMat | |
CTupletsSMeshItem | |
CTupletsSMorphableItem | |
CTupletsSMorphableItemChildData | |
CTupletsSRigItem | |
CTupletsSS | |
CTupletSSS | 3 element tuplet with strings for each type |
CTupletsSSB | |
CTupletsSSI | |
CTupletsSSObj | |
CTupletsSSS | |
CTupletsSSTex | |
CTupletsSTex | |
CTupletsSTransform | |
CTupletsSV2 | |
CTupletsSV3 | |
CTupletsSV4 | |
CTupletsTListISub | |
►NTools | |
CAstraJobInfo | Contains utilities to gather information about the Astra Job system activities |
►NUtils | |
►NExtensionMethods | |
CMyExtensions | |
CAstraTransform | |
CAstraTransformGraph | |
CBlendshapeStruct | |
CDiagnostics | Contains misc debugging and diagnostics for Astra useful when analyzing problems |
CEpoch | |
►CEventBus | An event routing system following the Publisher/Subscriber paradigm Implements the Events class |
CISubscription | Interface for the Subscription class |
CSubscription | A class representing the association between event, subscriber, and subscriber callback method to invoke on event publication Implements the ISubscription interface |
►CEvents | A centralized repository for events which can be subscribed to and published via the EventBus class |
CAvatarLoadedEvent | This event will fire immediately after an avatar is loaded |
CBeforeAvatarLoadEvent | This event is fired right before an avatar request is sent to load one |
CBeforeClothLoadImmutablePayloadEvent | |
CBeforeClothLoadMutablePayloadEvent | |
CBusEvent | Base BusEvent class extending UnityEvent |
CMainQueueStartedEvent | |
CPayloadEvent | Base PayloadEvent class extending BusEvent Payload will be passed to subscriber callback methods on publication of event |
CFeatureDetection | |
CIPoolSerialization | |
CM3DResourceHeader | |
CM3DResourceHeaderV1 | |
CM3DResourceHeaderV2 | |
CM3DResourceHeaderV3 | |
CM3DResourceHeaderV4 | |
CQuad | |
CRenderPipelineTools | |
CApiJob | Base class for Jobs intended to be exposed as part of the Astra API. Provides functionality for optionally handling jobs as coroutines. |
CApiJobNoResult | An API exposed job with no defined success or failure results. If you have well defined success and failure states use Astra.ApiJobWithResult<T1, T2> instead. |
CApiJobWithResult | An API exposed job that has results for both a success and failure state. You must implement both GetResult and GetError methods in your derived class when using this. If you are not using results, use Astra.ApiJobNoResult instead. |
CAstraCache | Functionality for dealing with the content cache Astra maintains |
CAstraGuid | AstraGuid is a class that allows for the creation of Guid. Constructors provides options to create deterministic Guid from a list of strings or guids. The order of string or guid does not matter the resulting Guid will be the same value. |
CAstraManager | AstraManager is a scene object which manages the Astra system. It must be initialized before other Astra SDK operations can be used. It is started using AstraManager.StartupAstra. Code can then wait for the initialization to be complete by waiting on AstraManager.WaitForInit. Alternatively you can poll on AstraManager.IsReady until it returns true. |
CAstraVersion | Provides the current Astra SDK version, not entirely compatible with Semantic versioning |
►CAuth | Contains functionality to login customers with the Astra service, and other related operations |
CCookie | Used to represent cookie data from the TyGetCookieData call |
►CCatalog | Catalog is used to search for assets such as clothing, hair, morphables, figures, avatars, and more. Querying can be filtered to find compatible items or unfiltered requiring you to ensure compatibility. Assets located here will come from both locally installed MR files and against your applications asset categories database from the web portal. If you cannot find an asset you were expecting verify that it is attached to your application through an asset category. If you know the Guid directly you can instead use the Asset.Loader class which will work as long as the asset is available to you regardless if it's associated to an asset category or not. |
CCatalogSearchOptions | |
CSearchCatalogJob | Job to search the catalog for a set of assets |
CCatalogEntry | Information about an Asset as found from a Catalog search |
►CConfiguration | Allows you to initialize and configure the Astra library using JSON, Astra.ProjectConfiguration, or direct calls |
CProjectConfigJob | Job used to track the initialization process of this project. Returns a boolean indicating a success, or a ProjectConfigError if an error occurred during initialization. |
CIJob | Base interface for a Job |
►CJob | A job is a unit of work that you need done you can provide data to it, talk to it, get progress get ids, depend on other jobs, have sub jobs, execute on main thread, etc |
CException | |
►CJobQueue | This queue is responsible for popping and executing jobs |
CPendingEvent | |
CWaitForMainJob | |
►CLoader | Provides access to loading different assets |
CLoadOptions | Base class which other loaders can extend from |
CLogger | Handles Astra logging messages in C# allowing filtering and redirection |
CLogoutJob | Job used when we are logging out the active user |
CMainQueue | A wrapper around the primary Astra system primary JobQueue |
CProjectConfiguration | Used to set configuration values for the current project |
CRestoreSessionJob | Job used when restoring a user session |
CRestoreSessionResult | Information about the session restored |
►CRigManager | Provides utilities to interface with rigs |
CBoneShiftWeight | |
CBoneTarget | |
CMorphedRig | Information about a rig that has had morphableitems applied to it |
CSetAppJob | Job used when we are setting App info |
CShop | Contains commerce related functionality for the Astra SDK |
CTracking | Contains functionality to track analytics |
CWaitForJob | Use this class when you want to yield until the job is done |
CWhoAmIJob | Job used when querying info about the active user |
CWhoAmIResult | Information about the current user |