Details about a product item that is in the cart
ulong | productID |
| ID for this product
string | name |
| Display name for this product
string | sku |
| Store SKU for this product
string | productOptions |
| Current product options. Needs to be shared with the request to delete a product from the cart.
string | type |
| Type of product. Most commonly "asset"
string | imageURL |
| URL to an image that can be displayed to represent the product
string | basePrice |
| Base price for this product in printable form
UInt32 | basePriceAmount |
| Numeric value for the base price of this product
string | price |
| Current price for this product in printable form
UInt32 | priceAmount |
| Numeric value for the current price of this product
UInt32 | qty |
| Quantity of this product within the cart
ulong | createdTime |
| When the product was created
Details about a product item that is in the cart
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- Assets/Astra/Networking/Cart/GetCartJob.cs