Astra Unity 2.6.6
Astra Unity Plugin
Astra.Net Namespace Reference


class  AddBillingJob
 Job used when we are adding billing information More...
class  AddToCartJob
 Job used when we are adding a product to a cart More...
class  CartCurrency
 Details about credits that the user owns More...
class  CartParameter
 Details identifying the cart to operate on More...
class  CartProduct
 Details about a product item that is in the cart More...
class  CartResult
 Contains results from any Cart related request More...
class  CheckOutInitJob
 Job used when we are initiating a Check Out procedure to ensure that user has sufficient funds. Also computes tax amount. More...
class  CheckOutJob
 Job used when we are completing the check out procedure More...
class  CheckOutSuccessJob
 Job used when we have confirmed payment for a transaction More...
class  ClearCartJob
 Job used when we are clearing a cart More...
class  ForgotPasswordJob
 Job which handles the call to ask for a password reset. Returns a boolean indicating a success, or an AuthError if an error occured while attempting to complete this job. More...
class  GetAppShopInfoJob
 Job used when we are getting the App commerce info More...
class  GetAssetCategoryJob
 Job which retrieves information about a asset category More...
class  GetAssetsByProductsJob
 Job used when we are retrieving the asset information for given products More...
class  GetBillingListJob
 Job used when we are getting the user's billing options More...
class  GetCartJob
 Job used when we are retrieving data about an in progress cart More...
class  GetCategoryDetailJob
 Job which retrieves information about a category More...
class  GetCategoryFullJob
 Job used when we are getting the heirarchal information about a category More...
class  GetClosetJob
class  GetCurrencyBalanceJob
 Job used when we are retrieving the customer's account balance for a given currency More...
class  GetProductDetailJob
 Job used when we are retrieving details about a product More...
class  GetProductDetailResult
 Contains details about a given product More...
class  GetProductsByAssetsJob
 Job used when we are retrieving products for a given set of assets More...
class  GetProductsByCategoryIdJob
 Job used when we are retrieving products for a given category More...
class  GetProductSlabJob
 Job used when we are getting the slab for a product (slabs contain metadata about the product) More...
class  GetPurchasedProductsJob
 Job used when we are retrieving the customer's purchased products More...
class  GetSlabsByCategoryIdJob
 Job used when we are retrieving slabs (metadata about products) from a given category More...
class  GetSlabsByProductIdsJob
 Job used when we are retrieving slabs (asset metadata) for given products More...
class  LoginJob
 Job which is used to log into the Astra service. Returns a string indicating the user handle if successful, and an AuthError if there was a failure. More...
class  LoginRegisterRemoteJob
 Job used to register a user with a remote authentication model. Returns a boolean representing whether registration was successful, or an AuthError with an error if it occurs. More...
class  PingJob
 Ping the back end to determine status More...
class  ProductAssetTypeDetails
 Contains details about the asset this product references More...
class  ProductVirtualCurrencyTypeDetails
 Contains details about the virtual currencies that can be used to purchase this product More...
class  RegisterJob
 Job used to register a user with a remote authentication model. Returns a boolean representing whether registration was successful, or an AuthError with an error if it occurs. More...
class  RegisterRemoteJob
 Job used to register a user with a remote authentication model. Returns a boolean representing whether registration was successful, or an AuthError with an error if it occurs. More...
class  RemoteLoginJob
 Job which is used to log into the Astra service. Returns a string indicating the user handle if successful, and an AuthError if there was a failure. More...
class  RemoveBillingJob
 Job used when we are removing the user's billing options More...
class  RemoveFromCartJob
 Job used when we are removing a product from a cart More...
class  SetDefaultBillingJob
 Job used when we are setting the user's default billing option More...
class  SetupCartJob
 Job used when we are setting a Cart up More...
class  UpdateCartJob
 Job used when we are updating product purchase counts within a cart More...