Astra Unity 2.6.6
Astra Unity Plugin
Astra.Loader Class Reference

Provides access to loading different assets More...


class  LoadOptions
 Base class which other loaders can extend from More...

Public Types

enum  LoadError { Success = 0 , Failed }

Static Public Member Functions

static RigLoadJob LoadRig (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads a RigItem via a guid, since no avatar is provided you will have an empty skeleton structure as a gameobject. It is unusual to call this function directly as you will not likely need to load a rig on it's own. More...
static RigLoadJob LoadRig (RigLoadJob.RigLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads a RigItem via the options struct RigLoadJob.RigLoadOptions. Typically this is attached into a FigureItem by setting the compoundItem option. It is unusual to call this function directly as you will not likely need to load a rig on it's own. More...
static PoseLoadJob LoadPose (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads a PoseItem, this is typically automatically attached by setting the param's avatarItem allowing the pose to bind into your avatar. Loading via just the GUID will load a new rig into your scene. Typically you should use the Loader.LoadPose(PoseLoadJob.PoseLoadOptions, int) variant instead and pass in your avatar or rig item. More...
static PoseLoadJob LoadPose (PoseLoadJob.PoseLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads a PoseItem, this is typically automatically attached by setting the param's avatarItem allowing the pose to bind into your avatar. More...
static MaterialLoadJob LoadMaterial (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Load a material, this will generate a UnityEngine.Material as it's result. This is not usually called directly and instead you should load an asset via LoadCloth, LoadHair, etc. More...
static MaterialLoadJob LoadMaterial (MaterialLoadJob.MaterialLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Load a material, this will generate a UnityEngine.Material as it's result. This is not usually called directly and instead you should load an asset via LoadCloth, LoadHair, etc. More...
static MaterialVariationLoadJob LoadMaterialVariation (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the data for a MaterialVariationItem with the given guid, these are useful for adding or replacing an existing asset's material (such as a shirt and changing it's textures or colors). Since this call does not accept a MeshItem or object to bind to, you will not have a MaterialVariationItem. You can then call LinkWithMeshItem yourself to generate the component. More...
static MaterialVariationLoadJob LoadMaterialVariation (MaterialVariationLoadJob.MaterialVariationLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the MaterialVariationItem with the given guid, these are useful for adding or replacing an existing asset's material (such as a shirt and changing it's textures or colors). The side effect will be a MaterialVariationItem which binds to the MeshItem's gameobject and can be toggled and removed. More...
static DecalLoadJob LoadDecal (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the data for a DecalItem with the given guid. Since there are no linking options you will need to call LinkWithMeshItem yourself. More...
static DecalLoadJob LoadDecal (DecalLoadJob.DecalLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the DecalItem with the given options binding against the param.meshItem's gameobject. More...
static SchematicLoadJob LoadSchematic (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the schematic with the given guid. Schematics are generic bases upon which more advanced classes such as Cloth, Hair, Figures, and Avatars are built upon. It is unusual to call this yourself directly instead you should use the high level calls. More...
static SchematicLoadJob LoadSchematic (SchematicLoadJob.SchematicLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the schematic with the given options. Schematics are generic bases upon which more advanced classes such as Cloth, Hair, Figures, and Avatars are built upon. It is unusual to call this yourself directly instead you should use the high level calls. More...
static EyeLoadJob LoadEyes (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads an EyeItem asset without binding to an avatar. More...
static EyeLoadJob LoadEyes (EyeLoadJob.EyeLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the EyeItem asset binding to the param.figureItem and param.rigItem. More...
static PartLoadJob LoadPart (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads a PartItem such as teeth without binding to an avatar. More...
static PartLoadJob LoadPart (PartLoadJob.PartLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the PartItem such as teeth and binds to the param.avatarItem. More...
static ClothLoadJob LoadCloth (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads a ClothItem without binding to an avatar. More...
static ClothLoadJob LoadCloth (ClothLoadJob.ClothLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the ClothItem and attaches it to the supplied param.avatarItem if supplied. More...
static HairLoadJob LoadHair (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads a HairItem without binding to an avatar. More...
static HairLoadJob LoadHair (HairLoadJob.HairLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the HairItem and attaches it to the supplied param.avatarItem if supplied. More...
static FigureLoadJob LoadFigure (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads a FigureItem without binding to an avatar. More...
static FigureLoadJob LoadFigure (FigureLoadJob.FigureLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the FigureItem and attaches it to the supplied param.avatarItem if supplied. More...
static CollectionLoadJob LoadCollection (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads a Collection (which is a grouping of several sub assets such as ClothItem, DecalItem, etc) but does not attach it to an avatar. More...
static CollectionLoadJob LoadCollection (CollectionLoadJob.CollectionLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads a Collection (which is a grouping of several sub assets such as ClothItem, DecalItem, etc) and attaches it to an avatar if supplied via param.avatarItem. More...
static MorphableLoadJob LoadMorphable (string guid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the MorphableItem with the given guid without attaching to an avatar, which is only useful as a way to prefetch an asset since it cannot be attached after loading via this API. More...
static MorphableLoadJob LoadMorphable (MorphableLoadJob.MorphableLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads the MorphableItem and attaches if to the supplied param.avatarItem if specified. More...
static AvatarLoadJob LoadAvatar (string fetchGuid, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads an existing avatar using a guid into the scene, this will create a new game object. More...
static AvatarLoadJob LoadAvatar (AvatarLoadJob.AvatarLoadOptions param, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads an existing avatar using all available options such as replacing the existing avatarItem if supplied More...
static AvatarLoadJob LoadAvatar (CatalogEntry avatarEntry, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads an existing avatar using a catalog entry More...
static AvatarLoadJob LoadAvatarFromUserId (string userId, string remoteType="email", bool useGlobal=false, AvatarLoadJob.AvatarLoadOptions param=null, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads an avatar using a remoteId and remoteType which is useful if you have your own user management system More...
static AvatarLoadJob LoadAvatarFromRecipe (string recipe, int parentJobId=Job.kNoParentJobId)
 Loads an avatar from a raw JSON recipe, you should avoid using this call and instad load from IDs More...

Detailed Description

Provides access to loading different assets

Member Function Documentation

◆ LoadAvatar() [1/3]

static AvatarLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadAvatar ( AvatarLoadJob.AvatarLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads an existing avatar using all available options such as replacing the existing avatarItem if supplied

paramOptions for loading the AvatarItem
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadAvatar() [2/3]

static AvatarLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadAvatar ( CatalogEntry  avatarEntry,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads an existing avatar using a catalog entry

avatarEntryThe catalog entry of the avatar you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadAvatar() [3/3]

static AvatarLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadAvatar ( string  fetchGuid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads an existing avatar using a guid into the scene, this will create a new game object.

fetchGuidThe id of the avatar you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadAvatarFromRecipe()

static AvatarLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadAvatarFromRecipe ( string  recipe,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads an avatar from a raw JSON recipe, you should avoid using this call and instad load from IDs

recipeA JSON formatted string containing an avatar recipe
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadAvatarFromUserId()

static AvatarLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadAvatarFromUserId ( string  userId,
string  remoteType = "email",
bool  useGlobal = false,
AvatarLoadJob.AvatarLoadOptions  param = null,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads an avatar using a remoteId and remoteType which is useful if you have your own user management system

userIdUser Id to retrieve the Avatar recipe for
remoteTypeType for the remote authentication as provided by Astra Service
useGlobalIf true will query the user's global avatar recipe as well as the current app, not all users will allow this, so it may fail. If false will only query the recipe for the current active APP_ID
paramOptions for loading the AvatarItem, optional
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadCloth() [1/2]

static ClothLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadCloth ( ClothLoadJob.ClothLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the ClothItem and attaches it to the supplied param.avatarItem if supplied.

paramOptions for loading the cloth
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadCloth() [2/2]

static ClothLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadCloth ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads a ClothItem without binding to an avatar.

guidThe id of the item you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadCollection() [1/2]

static CollectionLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadCollection ( CollectionLoadJob.CollectionLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads a Collection (which is a grouping of several sub assets such as ClothItem, DecalItem, etc) and attaches it to an avatar if supplied via param.avatarItem.

paramOptions for loading the collection
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadCollection() [2/2]

static CollectionLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadCollection ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads a Collection (which is a grouping of several sub assets such as ClothItem, DecalItem, etc) but does not attach it to an avatar.

guidThe id of the item you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadDecal() [1/2]

static DecalLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadDecal ( DecalLoadJob.DecalLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the DecalItem with the given options binding against the param.meshItem's gameobject.

paramOptions for loading the Decal
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadDecal() [2/2]

static DecalLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadDecal ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the data for a DecalItem with the given guid. Since there are no linking options you will need to call LinkWithMeshItem yourself.

guidThe id of the item you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadEyes() [1/2]

static EyeLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadEyes ( EyeLoadJob.EyeLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the EyeItem asset binding to the param.figureItem and param.rigItem.

paramOptions for loading the eyes
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadEyes() [2/2]

static EyeLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadEyes ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads an EyeItem asset without binding to an avatar.

guidThe id of the item you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadFigure() [1/2]

static FigureLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadFigure ( FigureLoadJob.FigureLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the FigureItem and attaches it to the supplied param.avatarItem if supplied.

paramOptions for loading the figure
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadFigure() [2/2]

static FigureLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadFigure ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads a FigureItem without binding to an avatar.

guidThe id of the item you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadHair() [1/2]

static HairLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadHair ( HairLoadJob.HairLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the HairItem and attaches it to the supplied param.avatarItem if supplied.

paramOptions for loading the hair
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadHair() [2/2]

static HairLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadHair ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads a HairItem without binding to an avatar.

guidThe id of the item you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadMaterial() [1/2]

static MaterialLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadMaterial ( MaterialLoadJob.MaterialLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Load a material, this will generate a UnityEngine.Material as it's result. This is not usually called directly and instead you should load an asset via LoadCloth, LoadHair, etc.

paramParameters for loading a material
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadMaterial() [2/2]

static MaterialLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadMaterial ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Load a material, this will generate a UnityEngine.Material as it's result. This is not usually called directly and instead you should load an asset via LoadCloth, LoadHair, etc.

guidGuid of the material to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadMaterialVariation() [1/2]

static MaterialVariationLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadMaterialVariation ( MaterialVariationLoadJob.MaterialVariationLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the MaterialVariationItem with the given guid, these are useful for adding or replacing an existing asset's material (such as a shirt and changing it's textures or colors). The side effect will be a MaterialVariationItem which binds to the MeshItem's gameobject and can be toggled and removed.

paramOptions for loading the Material Variation
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadMaterialVariation() [2/2]

static MaterialVariationLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadMaterialVariation ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the data for a MaterialVariationItem with the given guid, these are useful for adding or replacing an existing asset's material (such as a shirt and changing it's textures or colors). Since this call does not accept a MeshItem or object to bind to, you will not have a MaterialVariationItem. You can then call LinkWithMeshItem yourself to generate the component.

guidThe id of the item you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadMorphable() [1/2]

static MorphableLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadMorphable ( MorphableLoadJob.MorphableLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the MorphableItem and attaches if to the supplied param.avatarItem if specified.

paramOptions for loading the MorphableItem
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadMorphable() [2/2]

static MorphableLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadMorphable ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the MorphableItem with the given guid without attaching to an avatar, which is only useful as a way to prefetch an asset since it cannot be attached after loading via this API.

guidThe id of the item you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadPart() [1/2]

static PartLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadPart ( PartLoadJob.PartLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the PartItem such as teeth and binds to the param.avatarItem.

paramOptions for loading the part
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadPart() [2/2]

static PartLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadPart ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads a PartItem such as teeth without binding to an avatar.

guidThe id of the item you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadPose() [1/2]

static PoseLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadPose ( PoseLoadJob.PoseLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads a PoseItem, this is typically automatically attached by setting the param's avatarItem allowing the pose to bind into your avatar.

paramParameters for loading a pose
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadPose() [2/2]

static PoseLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadPose ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads a PoseItem, this is typically automatically attached by setting the param's avatarItem allowing the pose to bind into your avatar. Loading via just the GUID will load a new rig into your scene. Typically you should use the Loader.LoadPose(PoseLoadJob.PoseLoadOptions, int) variant instead and pass in your avatar or rig item.

guidThe GUID of the pose to fetch
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadRig() [1/2]

static RigLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadRig ( RigLoadJob.RigLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads a RigItem via the options struct RigLoadJob.RigLoadOptions. Typically this is attached into a FigureItem by setting the compoundItem option. It is unusual to call this function directly as you will not likely need to load a rig on it's own.

paramParameters for loading a rig
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadRig() [2/2]

static RigLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadRig ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads a RigItem via a guid, since no avatar is provided you will have an empty skeleton structure as a gameobject. It is unusual to call this function directly as you will not likely need to load a rig on it's own.

parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadSchematic() [1/2]

static SchematicLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadSchematic ( SchematicLoadJob.SchematicLoadOptions  param,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the schematic with the given options. Schematics are generic bases upon which more advanced classes such as Cloth, Hair, Figures, and Avatars are built upon. It is unusual to call this yourself directly instead you should use the high level calls.

paramOptions for loading the schematic
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

◆ LoadSchematic() [2/2]

static SchematicLoadJob Astra.Loader.LoadSchematic ( string  guid,
int  parentJobId = Job.kNoParentJobId 

Loads the schematic with the given guid. Schematics are generic bases upon which more advanced classes such as Cloth, Hair, Figures, and Avatars are built upon. It is unusual to call this yourself directly instead you should use the high level calls.

guidThe id of the item you're requesting to load
parentJobIdId of the parent job, if it applies. Optional.
A job which you can use to wait and check for completion or piggyback events off of, you can get the result object via GetResult off the job

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